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Male Hormonal Contraception (MHC) Clinical Trials Network

Decades of research have now proven that MHCs are effective, reversible, and have minimal, tolerable side effects. We've known for decades that sperm creation can be stopped completely by giving men testosterone alone, but by adding progestins (a synthetic version of another naturally occurring sex hormone), methods become dramatically more effective. Contrary to popular belief, sperm counts don't have to go all the way down to zero to achieve contraceptive effectiveness. Once sperm counts are lowered to 1 million sperm/mL of ejaculate, pregnancy rates fall to levels below 1%, making MHCs as good as many female methods of contraception and far more effective than condoms. You might think that MHCs are going to take the form of "the pill" for men, but we're working on intramuscular injections, subcutaneous implants, and even topical gels! 


CONDOMS are LA's newest sex symbol. Get your today, FREE.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have partnered up to provide LA County residents with free condoms and condom education. Condoms are one of the only methods that can be used to prevent both sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies - that's why LA Condom is giving condoms away for free. Both conventional and internal (female) condoms are available. Dress to impress by "suiting up" with LA's newest sex symbol, the LA Condom. 

FPACT Coverage for Vasectomy

Done with having kids? Live in California?

Did you know that you might be eligible for a FREE VASECTOMY?

Through California's FPACT Program (Family Planning Access, Care & Treatment), low-income and uninsured men who reside in California can apply to receive both contraceptive counseling and a vasectomy at no charge. Ask if your provider performs "No-Scalpel" Vasectomies to receive one of the least painful, safest, and most effective methods of permanent contraception. 

Planned Parenthood is NOT just for women. 

If you think that Planned Parenthood only provides abortions and cares for women, you're wrong. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that provides quality, affordable reproductive and sexual health care for men too! Services for men include vasectomy, cancer screening, STD testing, medications for HIV prevention, and more. Visit their website for reliable informational material and to locate a Planned Parenthood near you. Get educated, get tested, get PREPared.

FPACT Coverage for Vasectomy

Because frat parties, Tinder, and testosterone...

Students at USC don't have time for
HPV, STDs, and unplanned pregnancies...

The Eric Cohen Student Health Center offers men's health services, targeted at men in their 20's and 30's. Confidential services provided include STI screening, contraceptive counseling, testicular and male breast self-exam, mental health consultation, and more! 

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Brian T. Nguyen, MD MSc

Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Director, Fellowship in Complex Family Planning

Keck School of Medicine of USC


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